The Shared Table Leadership Team worked on a Strategic Plan in Fall of 2023 and Winter of 2024. We are grateful for the help of our skilled facilitator Will McMullan.  We are also grateful to Chimaera Designs for their communications help with final products and presentations. Complete plan and Strategic Plan Summary are available here. 


Shared Table provides healthy food and genuine compassion to neighbors in need — in community, with committed volunteers, and engaged local business partnerships.


Our vision is that everyone in Taos County has enough to eat, and has access to nutritious food.


  • Dignity: At Shared Table, food will always be provided respectfully to all who are in need, without question of qualification or eligibility.
  • Community: Neighbors helping neighbors— at Shared Table, both clients and volunteers will find meaningful community.
  • Faith in Action: At Shared Table, the El Pueblito faith community lives out the true meaning of church, and our concrete faith.
  • Engagement: Shared Table will continue to work with local stores, markets, and producers in food rescue and resourceful redistribution - so that good food that would otherwise go uneaten gets to people who need it. We also work with community efforts to strengthen and support local food production.
  • Inclusion: Geographically, Shared Table serves some of Taos’ outlying communities that are also food deserts, specifically El Prado and Talpa. This means that we reach places farther from stores with affordable and healthy food, like Ranchos de Taos, Arroyo Hondo, Arroyo Seco, Taos Pueblo, and communities on the Mesa. Many residents of these communities are also marginalized in more ways than geography, whether by poverty, racism, isolation, or other modern challenges.