No surprises, and everyone really is welcome
We practice progressive Christianity at El Pueblito with an emphasis on being involved in and caring for our community. We are open and affirming to the LGBT community in our midst. We actively welcome children.

El Pueblito is a small church with a big community presence. Our largest ministry, the Shared Table, is well known in Taos - we have been giving food to neighbors in need for 30 years. We are also connected to other social service agencies and try to be a part of a wide safety net. 

Our outdoor worship area is gorgeous, and we are also known in warmer months as the outdoor church. There is something about worshiping outside that is less intimidating to walk into. And of course it is easy to feel close to God when you are surrounded by the beauty of this place and looking at the mountain view. 

El Pueblito is a Reconciling Ministry.